What We Do

At Mental Edge Counseling, we offer a multitude of services under the heading of out-patient mental health. We address the specific needs of each client based on their individual treatment plans. We also address the potential need for medication management for our clients. 

Once an individual or family has decided to attend therapy an intake session will be scheduled, which will take place at our office. This is when all the information will be exchanged and paperwork will be completed, if not already done. We accept most major insurance plans along with self pay. If you have an insurance we are not in network with we can contact your insurance company on your behalf to determine your out of network benefits. 

Individual Therapy

When most people think of going to therapy they picture themselves sitting on a couch with a therapist sitting behind them, handing them tissues, and asking them, "How does that make you feel?"

We do things a little bit differently and have broken away from the normal idea of what individual therapy is supposed to be. We take a more hands on approach to work with our clients to create a specific treatment plan to meet their needs as an individual. This helps because it will prevent therapy from being a bunch of random interventions that seem to get you no where, but rather a concrete foundation to start the change you sought out when you decided to seek out help.

Family Therapy

Family therapy varies a lot from family to family and person to person. We all know there are so many different kinds of families, some have single parents and some have two parents. There are also those families in which there are no parents and grandparents raise grandchildren, or children live in foster, adoptive, or stepfamilies.

Family therapy focuses on the individuals in these groups to address the needs of the entire family, because we all know that everyone does not get along all the time. While conflicts are a part of family life and there are many factors that lead to conflict, that does not mean they can not listen to each other and work to resolve the conflict to build a stronger and more resilient family.

Couple/Marriage Therapy

Therapy in which both partners in a committed relationship are treated at the same time by the same therapist. Couples therapy is concerned with problems within and between the individuals that affect the relationship. For example, one partner may have undiagnosed depression that is affecting the relationship, or both partners may have trouble communicating effectively with one another.

Individual sessions may be provided separately to each partner, particularly at the beginning of therapy; most of the course of therapy, however, is provided to both partners together. Couples therapy for married couples is known as marital/marriage therapy.

Child Therapy

We offer a diversity of services to support children and their families. Children ages 2-10 years old, can show their emotions and feelings in ways that are difficult to understand.

We work very closely with families to help them understand and work with the child to better manage these emotions and behaviors. We work closely with the local schools to help parents with IEP plans and as a support structure. We work to address a range of issues, including but not limited to, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, body image issues, relationship issues, peer difficulties, bullying, school issues, family issues, unresolved past traumas, divorce, moving, new siblings, grief and loss, emotional regulation, ADD/ADHD, and interpersonal difficulties. One of the biggest treatments being pushed by our state right now is Parent Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT. This is a service that we can offer, if you would like additional information about PCIT please feel free to click here.

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescent Therapy is with individuals between the ages of 10 and 19 years old. Adolescence can be a very difficult time when we are trying to find our way in the world or just trying to hold things together in order to meet the goals and expectations others have for us.

Our goal is to help these young adults learn and develop skills to help them transition into adulthood and effectively resolve the problems they are facing and will face. Whether they were a straight A student that is now failing or an adolescent that can not seem to keep themselves out of trouble, we are dedicated to working with them in order to help them resolve those concerns and become productive and effective members of society. We also work very closely with schools in the local area in order to address a wide range of needs the youth and family may have. All of the different types of therapy are outlined in Individual Therapy often apply to Adolescence plus more so, please contact us for more information.


Telemedicine is a virtual approach to counseling sessions. We use a variety of telemedicine services to provide exceptional care and information to our clients/patients and their families daily. We also have providers that offer telemedicine to remotely connect to their clients to provide medication management services as well as therapy appointments.